What Are The Disadvantages Of Wooden Flooring? [Major Issue]

What Are The Disadvantages Of Wooden Flooring

Everyone nowadays knows about the advantages of wooden flooring. It is an excellent choice for these advantages. Along with the benefits, wooden flooring comes with some drawbacks too.

The first and foremost enemy of wooden flooring is water. This type of flooring is quite weak against moisture and humidity. In addition to water, installation and management cost, and amplified sound are some significant handicaps of wooden flooring.

Although these issues may not play a pivotal role to many, any of them may be the deal breaker. That is why I will try to display the crucial disadvantages of wooden flooring and their reasons. Also, I will discuss the best alternatives to replace wooden floors. 

4 Major Disadvantages Of Wooden Flooring: What Experts Say

Along with the advantages, wooden floors also have their fair share of disadvantages. Among them, the following are the major ones that anybody should pay heed to.

1. Vulnerable To Water:

Wooden flooring is vulnerable to water (1)damage. Rain, humidity, snow melt, and other common factors can all be the culprits in this regard. The natural properties of wood make it an ideal material for the construction of a floor. 

But along with that, it also makes it prone to water damage due to its porous nature. The wood grain structure allows moisture to pass through the wood easily, thus making it susceptible to moisture damage.

2. Higher Installation Charge

Wooden flooring is more expensive than other types of flooring. Because it requires special equipment and tools to install correctly. The installation charge for wooden floors may range from $6 to $12 per square foot. (2)

It also requires specialized chemicals that one can only get from a manufacturer or distributor who specializes in installing wooden flooring. In addition, the installation fee is higher compared to other types of flooring like vinyl, ceramic tile, or laminate. 

3. Requires Good Maintenance 

Wooden floors require good care and maintenance to ensure that they last a long time. Proper maintenance will allow the user to enjoy the wooden flooring for a long time and avoid any problems. 

To keep them clean, sweep them frequently and mop the floor when necessary. In addition, polishing the surface every once in a while helps keep wooden floors from getting dirty faster. 

4. Can Be Noisy 

A wooden floor tends to be louder than other types of flooring because it doesn’t have any padding underneath it as carpet does. Besides, they are not made from concrete or other materials that absorb sound well, like rubber or cork tiles. 

It means that any time someone steps on the floor,(2) the floor will make a creaking sound. Someone may not feel it as an issue, but the sound may become a threat when a crowd is on top of the floor. Consult an expert to keep the noise at bay while doing the installation. 

5. Weak To Scratches

One of the greatest enemies of wood is scratches. Especially, when pets are roaming around the house with big nails. Because of these scratches, the shiny look of the wood fades away. Without giving timely refinishes, it will be hard to keep the elegance as wooden floors are not scratch-proof (5)

6. Expansion And Contraction 

Another major disadvantage of having a wooden floor is that it is likely to expand with the variation in temperature and humidity. (5) It is a big concern when the house owner lives in an area where the weather is not stable. 

Controlling the room temperature is a way to fight the issue. However, that will increase the cost even more!

5 Reasons Why Wooden Flooring Is Not The Best Option For Flooring

Wooden flooring is a posh and elegant choice when it comes to options for flooring. However, for some reasons, it may not be the best bet for some people. They are:

1. Not Suitable For Pets And Children

Pets and children are not safe on a wooden floor. A wooden floor is more prone to get burnt. Besides, the floor tends to absorb water. That makes it vulnerable to children as the floor will be slippery. 

Not only that. Children and pets bring dirt, mud, and other unwanted things to the floor. In this circumstance, the longevity of the floor will be affected. 

2. Amplifies Sound And Make Everything Louder

Another reason a wooden floor is not the perfect choice is that wooden floors tend to amplify the sound of the room. That means the sound of the TV, musical instruments, footsteps, etc., will become louder. 

3. Wooden Floors Are Cold

Yeah. It is a fact. Especially on the winter days, the floor will be in a terrible condition to get warmth. So, when planning the flooring, everyone should consider this factor. 

4. Need For Additional Area Rugs 

Wooden floors are not all in all. The user will also need additional area rugs to cover the most crowded places of the house. Otherwise, the accumulated dust will make the floor vulnerable to reaching its longevity. 

5. Not The Best Option For Comfort

According to Lee Wallander, hardwood flooring or wooden floors are not the best options for comfort. They seem hard underfoot when someone walks over the floor. So, wooden flooring is not the right choice when someone thinks of a comfortable foundation to walk around the house. 

Related Questions:

What Are The Major Problems With Installing Wooden Flooring?

The major problems include the weakness against water, vulnerability to pet scratches, and high installation cost. However, things may also become troublesome if someone cannot adequately take care of the flooring. 

So, this is another major problem. Furthermore, wooden flooring creates creaking sounds often when someone walks over them. 

What Are The Best Alternatives To Wooden Flooring For Luxurious Homes? 

Some of the best alternatives to wooden flooring include luxury vinyl, laminate flooring, tile, engineered hardwood, and concrete flooring. Among them, engineered hardwood stands out. 

Engineered hardwood flooring is a popular option for homeowners who want affordability and durability in their homes without sacrificing quality. This floor type is a thin layer of hardwood over the plywood substrate(3)

Do Wood Floors Make A House Colder Or Hotter?

Wood floors do not make a house hotter. It is wrong information about them. This myth may emerge from the idea that people burn wood to produce heat. However, things are quite the opposite. In some cases, the wooden floors may even become cold as ice! So, wood floors make a house colder.  

Is Wood Floor Hard Or Easy To Maintain? 

The wood floor is quite hard to maintain. The user will need to give the floor clean sweeps and mops daily to keep it neat and clean. In addition, polishing may be necessary now and then to keep the shininess. So, yeah. It is hard to maintain a wooden floor. 

Are There Any Advantages Of Wooden Flooring And What They Are?       

There are a ton of advantages to wooden flooring. The advantages include durability, added elegance of the house, a wide range of options, and multiple refinishing options.

These advantages make wood flooring one of the most attractive options for flooring purposes. So, if possible, go for the option. 

Is There Any Health Risk Issue With Wooden Flooring?

Wooden flooring is a very standard option when someone looks for options. It does not pose any health risk threat to humans. However, some laminate hardwood floors contain formaldehyde(4) which may be a risk factor. So, while purchasing, try not to buy such types of laminate hardwood floors. 

Final Verdict:         

Wooden flooring will never erase from people’s minds as an excellent option for its numerous advantages. However, it has disadvantages, which make it a less formidable option. 

I have tried to cover all the major disadvantages here. Besides, I stated the reasons and best alternatives to wooden flooring.  Hope my efforts will be of great help. 


(2)Allen, S. (2022, February 9). Hardwood Flooring: Pros and Cons – Forbes Advisor. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/home-improvement/hardwood-flooring-pros-cons/

(4)Goldschmidt, D. (2016, March 23). The danger of some laminate wood flooring was underestimated, the report says. CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/22/health/health-effect-laminate-wood-flooring/index.html

(1)Ika Yuni Purnama, T. A. (2021). Material Ergonomics on Application of Wooden Floors in the Interior of the Workspace Office. Art Creation And Research, 15. https://jurnal.isi-ska.ac.id/index.php/dewaruci/issue/view/367

(3)Samantha Allen, D. W. (2022, April 13). Types of Flooring: Flooring Options and Costs – Forbes Advisor. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/home-improvement/types-of-flooring/

(5)Mark. (2016, April 28). Wooden flooring has advantages and disadvantages. Realty Times.          https://realtytimes.com/headlines/item/44183-wooden-flooring-advantages-and-disadvantages

Subrata Nath

Subrata Nath here. I’m the founder of Happy Home Planet and a proficient blogger on this website. I enjoy creating content and posting how-to, tactics, and tips articles.

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